SAMSUNG 其它手機討論Z728隱藏功能求助

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Default sogi
發表時間:2007-06-08 05:23:00
有哪位大大 可以 告訴我嗎?
我試ㄌ好久都沒效果 麻煩會ㄉ人告知一下 謝謝

小瑋 於 2016-05-28 17:15:27 修改文章內容

發表時間:2024-09-17 08:29:42
Default sogi
發表時間:2007-06-08 17:46:00


版友阿昕 覺得Z728聽筒音量太小的可以進來

PeterLiu 於 2007-06-08 17:46:00 修改文章內容

Default sogi
發表時間:2007-06-08 18:45:00
First start with *#0002*28346#
1. You will see menu showing "Under construction".
Press #.
2. New screen apears.:
[1] Load Params
[2] Call Config
3. Press 2.
4. New screen (in here are all the settings for call volume):
[1] RCV Rx Call Vol (that`s what we focus on)
[2] RCV Rx Drmf Vol[]
[3] RCV Codec Gain[]
[4] RCV NS-EC[]
[5] RCV Tx AGC[]
[6] RCV Rx AGC[]
[7] RCV Tx Filter[]
[8] RCV Rx Filter[]
5. Press 1 to get into RCV Rx Call Vol Settings.
6. Now starts the editting.
You should see something like this (values below are not default cause i already changed them):
0.[2] rx:0.0dB
1.[4] rx:10.0dB
2.[6] rx:25.0dB
3.[8] rx:50.0dB
4.[10] rx:100.0dB
5.[12] rx:200.0dB
6.[14] rx:255.0dB
Input Ex: 123-> 12.3dB

Last line explains almost everything.
Each line represents different volume levels. Let`s say you want to edit first line. Then you press 0. Screen on your phone should blink. Now you enter value for the level. Let`s say you want it to be 21.3dB. Type in 213 and press ok. Display should blink and you will see:
0.[2] rx:21.3dB
1.[4] rx:10.0dB
2.[6] rx:25.0dB
3.[8] rx:50.0dB
4.[10] rx:100.0dB
5.[12] rx:200.0dB
6.[14] rx:255.0dB
Input Ex: 123-> 12.3dB
That`s it. You just changed first line which means the lowest volume setting to 21.3dB. Keep playing with other settings. When you want to change second line just press 1. Then screen blinks again. Let`s say you want it to be 255dB. Type in 2550 and press OK. Screen blinks and you should see:
0.[2] rx:21.3dB
1.[4] rx:255.0dB
2.[6] rx:25.0dB
3.[8] rx:50.0dB
4.[10] rx:100.0dB
5.[12] rx:200.0dB
6.[14] rx:255.0dB
Input Ex: 123-> 12.3dB
7. Now let`s go to speakerphone.
Press # 4 times.
You should get to menu like this:
[1] Debug Screen
[2] Version/DMS Information
[3] RF Test
[4] UMTS rf nv
[5] Read gsm rf nv
[6] Write gsm rv nv
[7] Base Band
[8] Audio (that`s where we are going now)
[9] Common
8. Press 8.
You should see:
[1] RCV Config (here is the previously edited call vol. menu)
[2] EAR Config (i think in here you edit earphones vol.)
[3] SPK Config (guess what? speakerphone settings!)
[4] BTH Config (proably bluetooth headphones vol. settings)
[5] Common Config (I didn`t play with this one yet)
[6] YAMAHA (neither I did with this)
[7] Rebuild (in here you can restore factory settings)
9. Press 3 to get to speakerphone settings.
You should see:
[1] Load Params
[2] Call Config (here you have settings for speakerphone during call)
[3] AV-QTune(MP3) (i think those are settings for mp3 on speaker)
[4] AV-QSynth(MMF) (i think those are settings for mmf on speaker)
[5] AV-AMR (no clue what is this, maybe video?)
10. Press 2 to get to Call Config.
You should see:
[1] SPK Rx Call Vol (that`s what we focus on)
[2] SPK Rx Drmf Vol[]
[3] SPK Codec Gain[]
[4] SPK NS-EC[]
[5] SPK Tx AGC[]
[6] SPK Rx AGC[]
[7] SPK Tx Filter[]
[8] SPK Rx Filter[]
[9] 2G-Loud & 3G-VT[]
11. Press 1 to get to SPK Rx Call Vol.
You will get to menu with similar settings like the one where you edit regular call volume. I don`t know the best setting values for speakerphone yet, neither for earphone (eventhou I`m happy with the changes I posted before), but together at HoFo and Robdec`s site we should figure it out.


陌生的訪客 於 2007-06-08 18:45:00 修改文章內容

Default sogi
發表時間:2007-06-10 07:37:00

陌生的訪客 於 2007-06-10 07:37:00 修改文章內容

Default sogi
發表時間:2007-06-10 10:03:00
沒想到 發表一ㄍ求助ㄉ文章 引來 一些小爭議 真不好意思 我是覺得 他建議我 叫我ㄑ史萊姆下載修改音量ㄉ軟體也是出於好意 所以 回答他ㄉ話也沒必要這ㄇ酸ㄅ@@!

ckw710113 於 2007/6/10 上午 02:04:22補充下列內容=======================
這番話沒什麼特別ㄉ意思 請大家別誤會 畢竟這ㄍ討論版是大家互相交流ㄉ地方 沒必要爭吵

小瑋 於 2007-06-10 10:03:00 修改文章內容

Default sogi
發表時間:2007-06-10 23:45:00

exchange 於 2007-06-10 23:45:00 修改文章內容
