HTC Desire 系列討論XDA上關於DESIRE HD的詳細評測

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Default sogi
發表時間:2010-10-23 02:55:00

我不是标题党,因为消息太多了,没法帮大家翻译过来。感兴趣的机友可以去XDA HD general论坛的顶置贴看看,欧洲首批HD已发给部分沃达丰老客户,国外机友刚拿到就夜以继日的测评。先带来一部分好消息:屏幕和htc touch hd和sony x10的TFT都要好,起码不是普通的LCD屏;照相摄相相比以前HTC手机有质的飞跃,没有偏红,没有过暴,摄相流畅音质也好。内放音质很好,据老外说用同样的入耳式耳机和touch 2G、iphone4相当!外放和电池情况已在下文更新!手机做工非常好!



desire hd使用手册:

wow 58.2!! I had to look up what was a good score...

1.Acer Liquid: 34.0 FPS
2.HTC/Google Nexus One: 27.6 FPS
3.HTC Hero: 26.8 FPS
4.T-Mobile G1: 24.9 FPS
5.Samsing Galaxy: 23.4
6.HTC Magic: 23.0
7.Motorola Milestone/Droid: 20.7

Ran them both again after a fresh reboot:
-Quadrant => 1832
-Neocore => 52,0

Battery life is not bad as far as I can see now. Played whole day with the device, including internet/apps/texting/video/photo, and the battery is still 50%

Just a comment on battery life. During the night From 2 to 11 i lost 3%
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App

External speaker no where near the iphone... 50% but better than the desire..
Galaxy s kills the phones external speaker.
Bass better than the desire but could be better..

The max volume is not loud enough for me....I wouldn't miss a call but im a little gutted about tell you the truth I would have liked it louder..
The headphones that come in box are crap...I had a set of nokia 5800 earphones that I just plugged in ...the sound compared to the desire is miles apart....great....nice sound and a lot happy with the sound...external speaker mmm not very good but through headphones pretty good...with a expensive set I reckon the sound would rock

I would say looking at the screen that it must be a S-LCD, no LCD I have ever seen has been this bright and sharp, the viewing angles that people have been complaining about is just not true, it has great viewing angles that you just wouldn't get on a normal LCD.
Its either a S-LCD or a new improved LCD, having had a galaxy s I like this screen, the colours look more real although the blacks, although pretty good cant match the SGS, all in all I am very pleased with the screen.
Everybody should relax about this subject now....really the screen is fab !!

引自,39051200,45305089p,00.htm,有和desire和desire z屏幕对比的图片,事实上hd看起来是淡一些,原因如下:
And it seems that the Desire HD does have SLCD, but because the pixel density is lower there is less contrast.

Originally Posted by CNET
The WVGA (800 x 480-pixel) 4.3-inch screen is one of the largest you can get for any mobile phone. Like the latest batch of HTC Desire devices, this utilizes Sony's Super LCD (SLCD) rather than Samsung's AMOLED technology. Text and images look great on this panel. But when you put it side-by-side with the Desire and Desire Z, the lower pixel density becomes apparent (the same number of pixels are spread out over a larger area). Contrast suffers, which can be clearly seen in movie clips with dark scenes--blacks aren't as black compared with the same clip displayed on a smaller 3.7-inch screen. To be fair, it's a reasonable tradeoff for much more screen estate and we don't expect many users to be put off by this.
Desire HD似乎是用了SLCD,但是因为像素密度导致对比度更低。
CNET原创:WVGA(800*480 分辨率)是目前手机最大的屏幕(不是吧,dell有5寸的)。HTC新出品的手机都用了索尼的Super LCD而不是三星的AMOLED技术。文本和图像在SLCD上看起来很棒,但当你把desire z和desire hd放在一起,你会发因为desire hd的像素密度低(hd屏幕更大但只有与desire z同样的像素个数),和desire z相比差距就出来了。这种差距在黑暗中看电影更明显,desire hd的黑色没有3.7寸的desire z更深。公平来讲,这是更大屏幕的折中办法,我们希望消费者别太介意。

This screen question keeps popping up , from what I have seen of it it doesn't look like the older lcd screens, its far to bright and sharp, its just streched over a bigger area as you have already stated. All I can say is that it is either a s-lcd or a very much improved lcd screen...either way it is a very good screen in its own rights.
屏幕问题一直在争论,在我看来它不像是老一代的普通lcd,它更亮更清晰,可视面积更大。我想说它不是slcd就是改进了很多的lcd,无论如何,这块屏幕对desire hd真不错

So Ive had another play with my friends phone and the more time I spend with it.. (when she lets me haha) the more I love it. I can only compare it to my SGS I sold and this is much quicker, the sense UI is sooo much better than that stupid excuse for an UI Touchwiz...touchwiz off..
There is no lag going through menus and never lagged when playing games on it, the only slight and I mean very slight lag was when web viewing but I think that is because of flash 10.1 and its loading pictures and banners ect..either way it beats up the SGS pretty bad, even with a lag fix, trust me on this.
The screen I have mentioned before is very nice and bright, in fact I love the feel of the phone compared to the SGS, the cheap made SGS would creak at times, not with this, very well made. Ive not found the battery cover to be a bad fit at all, it looks fine to me. I would of liked a bit more volume on the external speaker, Its not bad but its not good either.
All in all I love this phone, it is far better than the SGS, this has to be the number 1 android far !
我又玩了玩朋友的desire hd(她让我玩的),接触时间更长,嘿嘿,更喜欢它了!相对我的i9000它快多了,htc sense比那个垃圾touchwiz强多了。。。touchwiz去屎吧!
切屏时不会卡,玩游戏也不卡,只有上网时才有点小卡,注意哈,是小卡!我想是因为flash 10.1,加载图片、广告。。。不过它还是完败i9000,甚至是修补过bug的i9000,相信我!
之前我提到屏幕非常好非常亮,说实话我相比i9000我非常喜欢desire hd的手感,i9000摁一摁会嘎吱响,而desire hd做工非常好。我发现电池盖没有和机身不合,我的这个挺好的。(早先有机友的desire hd,电池盖和后壳有1mm的间隙,后来被证实是少数,xda上desire hd越来越多了)要是外放音量更大些就更好了,现在它不是太坏也不是很好。我太喜欢desire hd了!

The Hz measures how often the digitizer "reads" the screen every second. A low Hz can make the screen seem unresponsive and slow. The Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 digitizer is only capable of about 27 Hz which can be the reason a lot of people find it infuriatingly slow. The Samsung Galaxy S on the other hand has a high Hz, at 60 Hz, and it has been described as very responsive.
The touch frequency is 40hz
The acc sensor is 70hz
40 Hz touch freq is slightly better than average
Hz指的是每秒钟数字转换器“感受”你触摸的频率,Hz低了屏幕就回没反应或者反应慢。索尼爱立信x10的数字转换器只有大约27Hz,这也是为什么很多人抱怨它反应太慢了。而i9000有60Hz,所以大家认为它反应很灵敏。desire hd的40Hz感受频率比一般说平高。我觉得无论多少Hz,最终还体现在手感上,目前为止,XDA上网友都反应hd非常快,触摸手感很好。


关于屏幕更新:Its super smooth, no lag as I have said before, the only very very slight delay is when loading big pictures or banners in web pages as 2.2 has flash enabled..
On a side note I got in contact with e-cell, I have dealt with them for years and trust them, I asked about the screen AGAIN haha..details back were...Display: 4.3" S-LCD Capacitive Touchscreen; 16M
它超级快,不像我以前说的有停顿,只是在开启flash的情况下,上网读取比较大的照片、横幅时有非常非常小的停顿。另一方面,我和e-cell联系了,我和它打了好几年交道,很信任他们。我再次问他们屏幕的问题,哈哈,他们回答说。。。屏幕:4.3寸 S-LCD 电容触目屏,16M色

I wonder if not this mix up with slcd or lcd comes from the fact that the cooperation between Sony/Samsung that manufactures the panel is called the S-LCD Corporation.
I think the right question to ask is which generation lcd screen Disere HD has, 8th Generation or later.
It makes me even wonder if there are any slcd screens at all.

I think you get the point. Trying to find out what Super-LCD really is, leads me just to the Samsung/Sony joint venture company called 'S-LCD'. Obviously the term Super-LCD was used by HTC (a statement by CEO Chou), apparently to justify the change of the desire's screen (for marketing purposes).
I think there are a lot of different generations of LCD screens from different manufacturers out there. In the end you have to judge each screen individually. And the screen of the DHD is obviously a good one... :-)
我想知道这块搞不清的屏幕是不是由叫S-LCD的索尼和三星的合资公司生产的。我想问题的关键在于Desire HD用的哪一代LCD,8代还是更新的?它甚至让我怀疑是不是有slcd屏幕这码事儿。

我想你说对了。我尝试搞明白什么是super-lcd时,发现三星和索尼的合资公司叫S-LCD。很明显,Super-LCD是HTC的叫法(CEO Chou说的),显然是为desire换屏提出的(因为市场原因)。
我觉得不同生产商有很多代不同的LCD屏幕。最终你还得自己判断屏幕是哪一种,不过Desire HD的屏幕显然很棒:-)转自机锋网
yusuketerry 於 2010/10/22 下午 06:56:04 修改文章內容

一樣 於 2016-05-28 16:25:01 修改文章內容

發表時間:2024-09-17 08:29:42
Default sogi
發表時間:2010-10-23 11:44:00
其實他翻的還OK呀! 就是字面上的意思! 只是有點口語沒有修飾一下, 所以翻成中文的文法感覺怪怪的! 基本上他的評測內容就是針對我們現在所擔心的做說明! 簡單來說HD還是值得大家等待的吧! 隨著科技進步, 我想TFT也改良了吧, 要不然HTC把它用在以旗艦機號稱的HD上面不就拿石頭砸自己的腳嗎?!...所以肯定效果不差!
再來就是...他的電池...1230mAh...也太低了吧! 我就在想野火機3.2吋原廠電池是1300, 為什麼hd 4.3吋才1230...開什麼玩笑, 肯定有玄機的啦! 現在既然他們評測說電池消耗的沒那麼快, 可能螢幕比較省電了吧!
真的是齁...喜愛度+1 哈~

至於喇叭, 我覺得其實有聲音就好, 因為買個智慧型手機應該不是為了把它拿來當擴音機使用吧, 當然是著重於他的功能與效能囉! 就算要聽音樂, 我想大家也是會插耳機吧!不過他上面有說, 好像原廠的耳機音質不太好喔!

不過這個評測好像有點偏主觀, 都是以優點居多, 當然還是等上市之後手機王的正式評測囉!

amos09122001 於 2010/10/23 上午 03:45:38 修改文章內容

Danny 於 2010-10-23 11:44:00 修改文章內容

Default sogi
發表時間:2010-10-23 22:44:00
我是從對岸的安卓網轉載下來的看來大家不用太擔心螢幕和電池了要擔心的可能是外放的音樂大小聲了不過還是有些看不太懂的還希望更了解的網友幫忙翻譯清楚謝謝转自机锋网我不是标题党,因为消息太多了,没法帮大家翻译过来。感兴趣的机友可以去XDA HD general论坛的顶置贴看看,欧洲首批HD已发给部分沃达丰老客户,国外机友刚拿到就夜以继日的测评。先带来一部分好消息:屏幕和htc touch hd和sony ..........恕刪
讓我好羨慕DESIRE HD喔....哭哭
我對DESIRE 欲求不滿了拉><

小林 於 2010-10-23 22:44:00 修改文章內容
