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Default sogi
發表時間:2008-09-28 07:03:00









zazaleo 於 2015-05-25 08:42:07 修改文章內容

發表時間:2024-09-19 10:29:59
發表時間:2008-09-28 07:53:00


1.照像不要比n73差<要300萬UP  => 3.2 MegaPixel, 自動對焦
2.可以無線上網  => 支援WLAN
3.一定要有滑蓋,已經看膩了直立式手機了  => 看外型就知道, E66是滑蓋機
4.希望開機速度和處理速度不要比n73慢  => ARM 約300Mhz, 算快了~~

kleinleo 於 2008/9/27 下午 11:55:31補充下列內容

E66 有金屬外殼, 很有質感~~

kleinleo 於 2008-09-28 07:53:00 修改文章內容

Default sogi
發表時間:2008-10-07 13:28:00

well, seems someone has already answer your questions, i do agree with him. therefore i don't waste time to answer them. and below is some of my own opinions. and as n95 is already end of sales, i assume you are comparing n95─8gb with e66. ( if you are comparing n95, pls forget it, cuz it has only 64mb ram, it is slow as turtle....)

some background information for my exeprience on recent nokia phones. i have used

nokia e61i (few mths) ─> navigator 6110 (few mths) ─> n95─8gb (6 mths) ─> nokia n82 (1 mths) ─>e66 (1mths til now)

i am very satisfy with this phone (e66), even i have used n95─8gb and n82 before. for

1) it plays n─gage almost as fast as n95─8gb, even with only single cpu.

2) it can play movies using core player at 1mbps, very smooth

3) it is slim, you can put it into any pocket

4) it's cheaper, n95─8gb is around hkd5000 sth whilst e66 is only hkd3500, the difference of hkd1500 can buy u 4─6 x 8gb microsd cards or more.

5) it has microsd card slot, which n95─8gb don't have, so you can remove memory to protect ur privacy and for faster file copying

6) it supports screen auto rotate and gps photo tag, in which n95─8gb don't support natively, third party software needed, and not as stable as e66 with build─in both functions.

7) e66 support turn over to silent and tap─to─silent, while n95─8gb don't have

the only short─comings are

1) it don't have the n─series 3─d photo preview and dedicated multimedia key ( but you can use program like resco photo viewer to compensate it)

2) it don't has the gaming keys as n95─8gb do double slides (i didn't use it neither)

3) no 3.5mm headphone jacks (converter is available)

4) smaller screen ( there's no way out, slim form─factor.... trade off for sure)

5) only 3m photo (in which it make decent photos, and good for snap shoot already)

hope my opinions can help you to choose ur phone, i would prefer e66─>n95─8gb ───────────────>n95.

comparing n73, both e66 and n95─8gb would be a big jump to you, much much faster for sure.

dilamma 於 2008-10-07 13:28:00 修改文章內容

Default sogi
發表時間:2008-10-13 09:20:00




總覺得看了幾句就錯誤百出= = 你是中文輸入法壞掉嗎?

賽門貓 於 2008-10-13 09:20:00 修改文章內容
